Gwinnett County CDL Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Is Your Commercial License, Career & Livelihood Threatened?
Commercial driver license holders are held to a stricter standard when it comes to driving safely on our roads and highways. As a commercial license holder, your livelihood may depend on keeping your driving record clean. Some violations can lead to the loss of your driving privileges while an accumulation of too many points on one’s driving record can automatically lead to a CDL disqualification or an outright license suspension. As a commercial driver, you need to ensure that your license remains valid to maintain your ability to make a living.
Traffic related offenses affect commercial drivers differently than regular license holders. Some moving violations are considered Serious Traffic Offenses whereas some are Major Traffic Offenses. Some traffic offenses may disqualify your commercial driver’s license, but they will not suspend your regular license. It does not matter if you are in a commercial motor vehicle or a non-commercial motor vehicle.
Have you been ticketed as a CDL driver? Let our Gwinnett County CDL traffic ticket attorney fight for you. Call Houston Washburn Law at (770) 766-8966 or contact us online today to get started.
Fighting a traffic ticket can be a difficult proposition, especially when you do not know the law or have the resources to thoroughly investigate all aspects of what went down when you were pulled over. At Houston Washburn Law, you can bring your case to a competent and trusted legal professional who is experienced in handling all aspects of a traffic ticket or arrest in connection with a traffic offense. Our firm will get to work immediately to discover the underlying facts and circumstances that can be used in your defense. As a proven trial lawyer, our Gwinnett County CDL traffic ticket attorney can build a defense strategy and effectively represent you in court in pursuit of a favorable result.
Traffic Tickets & Criminal Charges for Commercial Drivers in Georgia
As a commercial driver, you face a disqualification of your license that can occur from the following categories of traffic offenses:
Driving while under the influence or impaired by alcohol and/or drugs
Major traffic offenses resulting in other criminal charges, such as aggressive or reckless driving, driving on a suspended license, hit and run, attempting to elude law enforcement by fleeing, street racing, and driving without insurance or valid registration
Moving violations, such as speeding, improper lane changes, driving while texting or using a cell phone, disobeying signs, signals, and other traffic laws
As a CDL holder, you can be arrested and charged with DUI if your blood alcohol concentration measures .04 percent or more while driving a commercial vehicle, which is a lower standard than for other adult drivers. In a first offense, your license can be suspended for a year and you will face potential jail times, fines, and other court-ordered programs. If you commit a repeat offense, you can lose your commercial license forever. You can also lose your commercial license if you refuse to submit to a chemical test when requested to do so by law enforcement.
What is the Penalty for a CDL Violation in Georgia?
Being found guilty of major traffic misdemeanors as listed above will also likely result in a one-year CDL suspension on a first offense even if you were not driving a commercial vehicle or were driving out-of-state. A second conviction of such an offense will generally lead to a permanent loss of your commercial license. In cases where you were transporting hazardous materials, a first offense may result in a three-year license suspension.
Being found guilty of a second moving violation within a three-year time frame, such as for speeding, tailgating, or texting while driving, will result in a 60-day license suspension. This will increase to a 120-day suspension on repeat offenses.
Let Our Firm Fight for Your Livelihood with a Tough Defense
Losing your license as a commercial driver can be a devastating event. Not all traffic violation accusations are accurate or true and may have been levied by subjective discretion alone. Let Attorney Houston Washburn investigate all the details of your situation so that we can help you fight back in this very important matter.
Contact Houston Washburn Law today to schedule a FREE consultation!

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